Richard Higginson interviews Andrew Glover


Andrew, congratulations on becoming chair of Faith in Business. As former chair, I am particularly grateful to you for taking on this role.
What attracted you about the role of being chair?
I’ve been coming to the Faith in Business retreats on and off since 2004 and started my subscription to FiBQ straight afterwards and have continued ever since. As such I have appreciated all of the content and interactions those have brought and deeply valued the challenge and reflection that they have stimulated in my business and life generally. So now that I have a little more free time, it felt like the right time to try and give back and join the Trustees. I wouldn’t say I was attracted to the role of chair (!) but recognised that while all of the Trustees are highly competent and capable of doing the role, I potentially had more time available and also being in Cambridge helps on the administration side…..
