Volume 10.3
we have asked our two new editors, Robin McKenzie and Paul Pearce, to introduce themselves to our readers. By coincidence, both are professional Chartered Engineers, Robin with an electronic, industrial management and research background, Paul from civil engineering, marketing and management consultancy. We welcome them to our team and have already seen the contribution they have begun to make to our publication.
The theme of how Christians who work in small and medium-sized companies express and apply their faith pervades this issue.
Richard Goosen is described as a ‘serial new venture founder’. Not only is he an entrepreneur himself but also a lawyer who is in business to advise, support and finance other entrepreneurs. Who could be better qualified to discuss for FiBQ the question of calling and entrepreneurship under the title: The Christian Entrepreneur: worthy of his calling?
The successful RHF/CABE one-day seminar The Challenges of Running Small Companies provided much food for thought and will continue to be discussed by e-mail through the good offices of Guy Negus of CABE. Richard Higginson contributes a thoughtful reflection on the proceedings of the day at Ridley Hall.
Andrea Werner’s overview of the findings of her PhD research Investigating the beliefs, attitudes and behaviours of Christian SME owner managers concludes from studies of a sample of British and German SMEs that Christian faith can provide SME owner-managers with distinct and powerful motivators – in the right circumstances.
FiBQ welcomes CABE’s launch of its Principles for those in Business. Paul Pearce reviews the Principles and the recently published additional Resource Pack which provides a most helpful guide to their application.
Apologising seems to be very much in vogue in all areas of public concern. Richard Bull explores Apologising in Business and asks whether it is ‘a calculated risk or an act of faith?’
And last but by no means least, Peter Heslam assesses the work of Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, the founder of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, which is contributing significantly to making poverty history by providing micro loans to tiny third world businesses.
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